Smart Watch
Kick off meeting 27. - 28. 06. 2017 Gliwice, Poland
- PP1: Górnośląska Agencja Przedsiębiorczości i Rozwoju Spółka z o.o. (GAPR)
- PP2: Województwo Lubelskie (UMWL)
- PP3: Innovaészak-alföld Regionális Fejlesztésiés Innovációs Ügynökség Nonprofit Kft. (INNOVA)
- PP4: Dél-alföldi Regionális Innovációs Ügynökség Közhasznú Egyesület (RIA-SGP)
- PP5: ATI WestMecklenburg GmbH. - Agentur für Technologiet Transfer und Innovationsförderung gGmbH (ATI)
- PP6: Hochschule Wismar (HSW)
- PP7: Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A. (SIAV)
- PP8: Langhe Monferratoe Roero Società Consortile a r.l. Agenzia di sviluppo del territorio (LAMORO)
- PP9: Društvo Jasa (JASA)
- PP10: TECES, Tehnološki center za električne stroje (TECES)
- PP12: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni (UWB)
Meeting 27. - 28. 11. 2017 Lublin, Poland
Firs audit report, 06. 03. 2018, Teces, Maribor
Meeting 14. - 15. 05. 2018, Debrecen, Hungary

SMART_watch project
Lupa Festival (festival of NGO's), Ljubljana, 13th of September

Meeting Maribor 20. - 21. 11. 2018, Slovenia
Conference Future living (Ljubljana, 11. 2. 2019)
On February 11th, at the Chamber of Commerce in Ljubljana, the project SMART_watch project and the business tool “C-map and B-map” were presented to the participants, on the conference Future Living.
Director of TECES (Slovenian partner of SMART_watch project) and the leader of Strategic development and innovation partnership "SRIP": Smart Buildings and the Wooden Chain, Matej GAJZER MSc kindly greeted all gathered.
Nina Sega, Irena Ivanuš (from Teces) and Mateja Jamnik (from Jasa Association) presented project also on the stand and carried out individual consultations with the interested participants.
The overall conclusion was: After two years of the project implementation focusing on smart specialization strategy, we can already see good results. However, for good further development will be necessary to obtain serious market and trend analysis, and to invest more in analytics and data. Especially C-map and B-map can be very useful tools in making this effort.
more info:
Meeting Kapfenberg, 27. - 29. 03. 2019
Roundtable: What kind of Slovenia do I dream of (8th of May, Maribor, Narodni dom)
Presentation of SMART_watch project during the "What kind of Slovenia do I dream of" event - the opening of the exhibition and the round table.
Meeting 19. 09. - 18. 09. 2019 Torino, Italy
Meeting 11. 11. - 12. 11. 2019 Warshaw, Poland
SMART_watch WORKSHOP AT THE SYeNERGY EVENT on February 12th, Ptuj, Slovenia
Free webinar post 2020 Smart Specialization
What's next? Project Smart watch Final conference
Date: May 29, 2020 at 11 am